Dear operators,
v.0.90.7 update is now available! Here are some highlights in this update:
Ninja Warrior Loadout

Ninja warrior loadout is here! Destroy your enemies from a distance with a bow and arrow or slash them with the deadly Dai Katana! More gadgets and weapons will be available in later updates!
Pistol Only & Bolt-Action Only
Pistol only and bolt action rifle only loadouts only allow players to use pistols or bolt action rifles, if you want to practice these weapons or simply just get tired of the official weapon loadout, these two loadouts are extremely entertaining!
Online Server
In this update, we have improved the quick game UI layout and structure. The new online lobby is now categorized into 4 types: Casual, Competitive, GroundWar, and Co-op. It is now a lot easier for players to choose the most suitable game mode.
Here are two new features that have been added to the social system:
1. Players will be able to set their status to Online, Away, and Invisible.
2. Players will be able to check on friends` online game sessions and join immediately. No need to send a message to ask for an invite!
Gamemode: Domination
Domination mode will be adopting a ticket system similar to the competitive control mode. Deplete opposing team tickets by capturing flags or eliminating enemy forces.
Here is the complete patch note for the v.0.90.7 update:
- Added ninja warrior loadout
- Added pistol only loadout
- Added Bolt-action only loadout
- Added ability to switch loadouts in the hub area
- Added option to switch between the new and legacy virtual gunstocks
- Added VOIP always on option
- Added ability to set the social status to Online, Away, Invisible
- Added ability to join a friend`s session
- Added triangle grip for M4A1 and AK74
- Categorized online games into Casual, Competitive, GroundWar, and Coop
- Domination mode is now adopting a ticket system
- Server join button now greys out when the session is full
- Fixed HK slap bolt bug
- Fixed player unable to sprint issue
- Fixed GunStock calibration unable to calibrate with left-handed option enabled
- Fixed AAC HB magazine clipping
- Fixed unable to store and show DownTown and Kowloon survival mode issue
- Fixed unable to holster katana issue
- Fixed collision issue on Wildland
- Fixed gun model disappears for a brief moment issue
- Fixed Nakama Lobby and Gamelift Session player count doesn't match
Hope you enjoy the v.0.90.7 update, stay frosty and happy hunting.
For more information on the update, please join our discord server:
OH! On a side note, we are STILL working on the map revamps! Here is a little tease on the map we have been working on: