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  • Writer's pictureCaveman

Map Overhaul - Situation Report

Dear operators,

Regards the Enhance Modkit Update we’ve mentioned since the beginning of the Mod Contest has gained more attention from our dedicated modders and players than expected. Tons of inspiring ideas from enthusiastic players were flooding into our inbox recently. Thank you all for the support and innovative suggestions! Thus, we would like to deliver a sitrep on our upcoming update to keep our supporters posted with the latest progress.

First and foremost, please accept our sincere apologies for delaying the Enhance Modkit Update. due to some legacy design flaws in user experience that may drag efficiency, we need more time to test and iron out glitches to deliver a top handy modkit for modders and a top experience for players when released. Appreciate your patience and understanding, we assure you it will be all worth waiting for!

Until then, we are working day and night on our routine update beside the mod editor to keep our pace on bringing more enhancement to Contractors!

Now, let’s take a peek at the total overhauled map in our upcoming update!

Map Overhaul - Downtown

As one of the most hit maps, Downtown has the most object details, street views, buildings, and combat areas. After receiving some suggestions and feedback regarding the texture quality, overall aesthetics, and object details, we refurbished the map with high-definition textures and added miscellaneous new elements. Enter and explore the Downtown that you are well acquainted with a fresh new experience.

OLD vs NEW Comparison

Captured on Quest 2

Captured on Quest 2

Captured on Quest 2

Captured on Quest 2

Another heads-up for Mod Contest We are getting closer to the Deadline: 1/Aug/2022 (No more updates to submitted maps). Everyone can still signup and compete for the prize pool of $9000 and merchandise!

Contractors is now on Oculus Store’s Summer Sale

It’s Summer Sale time! Get the game right now with a 30% off on Oculus Store.

The sale draws in 4 days, be sure to tell all your friends, grab the gears together, and jump in the battle!

Join our official Facebook group!

Don’t forget to join, and discover more activities and giveaways in our official Facebook Group!

The community is calling you!

Please share your suggestions, encountered issues, or any thoughts in our Discord channel!

Caveman Studio


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