Dear operators,
v.0.90.7 update will be released next week on 11/25/21, here are some of the highlights in the v.0.90.7 update:
Ninja Loadout

Remember back when the ninja warrior loadout is available as a mod weapon loadout? We know how much you guys have missed it, and now it is back!
Ninja warrior weapon loadout will be available in v.0.90.7 update as a casual lobby loadout for Oculus Quest and PCVR. Destroy your enemies from a distance with projectiled Bow and Arrow or slay them with Katana!
Pistol Only & Bolt Action Only
We also added more casual lobby loadout options in v.0.90.7, if you have played enough official loadout and want to go with something interesting, PistolOnly and BoltActionOnly will definitely add a little variety to your casual gaming experience!

There are of course bug fixes for everything that is related to online games. We have fixed the server issues players reported in the current build. We have also improved quick game UI layout and structure. In this update it is a lot more easier for player to choose the most suitable game mode. The new online lobby is categorized into 4 types: Casual, Competitive, GroundWar and Co-op.
Here are two new features we have added for the social system:
Players will be able to set their status to Online, Away, and Invisible.
Player will be able to check on friends` online game sessions and join immediately. No need to send a message first to ask for an invite!
Domination mode will be adopting a ticket system similar to the competitive control mode, player could drain enemy tickets by capturing the flags or killing enemy forces.